School of Technology and Applied Sciences Edappally
The college has an excellent infrastructure and accessibility from various parts of the city. Class rooms are well furnished and ventilated. CCTV cameras at entrances and inside the campus. Computer and Electronics Lab are well equipped.

Computer Lab

The college provides well equipped Lab with LAN connectivity. It has separate Lab for UG and PG students. All systems are configured with latest open source softwares. A full time Internet facility is available
Electronics Lab

Students get familiarized with the various Electronics instruments & components which basically equip them to construct complex circuits in near future.Experiments are performed using Function Generator, CRO, Regulated DC power supply, Bread Board, LED, Diode, Transistor, Logic Gate ICs, Op-amp ICs.

The college provides a common place for the students and faculty for holding seminars, public functions and cultural programmes.

The college has provided a library consisting more than 5000 volumes of books and adequate number of journals. All the latest editions of books both for reference and text are available in this library. It also subscribes to various newspaper and periodicals for the information and update of their knowledge. The journals of both National and International, related to all subjects are also subscribed. E Journal facility is also included in the Library.

Well lighted and ventlated classrooms. Spacious Lecture Halls . Classroom can hold up to 60 students.The college provides both conventional and smart rooms .