Learn from Qualified Experts
Teachers are the ultimate role models for students. Teachers will stay positive for their students even when things can seem grim. A great teacher always has compassion for their students, understands their students, and has an appreciation for their academic goals and achievements. Teachers are role models for the future generation to be positive, always try harder, and reach the top success in life.

Biny Varghese P
Assistant Professor in Department of Mathematics.
Contacts: 9446021851
She’s having an experience of 24 years. She holds the charge of Deputy Director of the Institute for a tenure of 2017-2019. She attained her M.Phil Degree in Mathematics from Mahatma Gandhi University. Masters and bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from Mahatma Gandhi University.

She’s having an excellent experienced faculty of having 24 years of experience in the field of teaching. She acquired her M.Phil in Mathematics from Mahatma Gandhi University. She also having her Masters and bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from Mahatma Gandhi University

Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science. She have an experience of 23 years in the field of teaching. She holds her MCA from Bharathiar University and M.Tech in Information Technology from Karnataka State open University. She’s a graduate in Physics from Mahatma Gandhi University.

Rasia A Khadar
Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science
Contact: 9495773170
She is having an Experoemce of 17 years of Experience in teaching. She successfully secured UGC-NET in Computer Science and Applications. She’s having her Post Graduation in Computer Science and Graduation in Computer applications, from Mahatma Gandhi University.

She’s having 17 years of Experience in teaching. She shares the charge of staff advisor to students. . She’s an M.Tech Graduates in CS & IT from Manonmaniam Sundaranar University and MCA from Madurai Kamaraj University.

Thirumeni K R
Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science
Contact: 9995556565 [email protected]
He’s having 18 years of experience. He holds his MCA from Bharathiar University and M.Tech in Information Technology from Karnataka State open University. He graduated from Mahatma Gandhi University in Electronics. He held the position of NSS Programme Officer from 2012 to 2017.

Assistant Professor in Department of Electronics . She is having an experience of 17 Years in teaching and secured UGC-NET in Electronic Science. Her Post Graduation in Electronics is from Cochin University of Science And Technology and graduation in Electronic from Mahatma Gandhi University.

Anitha Lal K K
Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science
Contact:9447208676 [email protected]
She’s having an Experience of 16 years as a teaching faculty in Computer Science. She is having UGC-NET in Computer Science and Applications. Her Masters degree, MCA, is from Bharathiar University and Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Applications is from Mahatma Gandhi University.

Sooraj N.S
Assistant Professor in Department of Electronics
Contact: 9400388085 [email protected]
He’s having 15 Years of Experience in teaching. He secure UGC-NET with JRF in Electronics Science. He’s a research scholar in Mahatma Gandhi University in the field of Organic Semiconductor. His Masters Degree in Applied Electronics from Mahatma Gandhi University and Bachelor’s Degree from Kerala University in Physics. He presented his paper in International Conferences. He holds the position of Teacher in charge of Computer Lab. He is the NSS Programme Officer from 2017 onwards.

Remya V R
Assistant Professor in Department of Electronics
Contact: 8086205208
[email protected]
She’s having 14 Years of Experience in teaching. She secured UGC-NET in Electronic Science and a Research Scholar in Mahatma Gandhi University in the field of Microwave Antennas. She is having her Post Graduation from Mahatma Gandhi University and Graduation from Kerala University, both in Electronics. She’s sharing the charge of Staff Advisor to students of the college. She presented her paper in International Conferences.

She’s having 14 Years of Experience in teaching. Her Masters degree in Electronics, from Mahatma Gandhi University. Her bachelor’s Degree in Electronics is from the same University.

She’s having an experience of 10 years in the field of teaching. Her MCA is from Anna University and bachelor’s degree in Software Systems is from Bharathiar University.

Bindu Rani T V
Assistant Professor in Department of Electronics
Contact: 9495217009, [email protected]
She’s having 17 Years of Experience in teaching. In addition to that, she holds the charge of Placement Officer and Sports Co-Ordinator. Her M.Tech Degree is from Cochin University of Science And Technology in EC-VLSI and B.Tech is in Instrumentation. It’s also from CUSAT.

She’s having an experience of 17 years as a teaching faculty in Computer Science.She acquired MPhil and MCA from Madurai Kamaraj University, TamilNadu. She is a graduate in Physics from Mahatma Gandhi University. She is a research scholar in Bharathiar University, submitted her thesis and waiting for Open defence. She presented her paper in International Conferences.

She’s having an experience of 7 years as a faculty in computer science.she holds her ME in computer networking and engineering from Anna University Chennai and BE in computer science from Anna University coimbatore.she published her paper in International journal and also presented papers in International and national conferences.

She has an experience of 5 years in teaching.She holds her MTech in computer Science with specialization in Information systems from Mahatma Gandhi University and BTech in Information Technology from the same University. She presented her papers in international and national conferences .

She is having 5 Years of Experience. Her Masters degree is in Applied Electronics, from Mahatma Gandhi University and Bachelor’s degree in Electronics is from the same University.She’s one of our alumna.

She is having an experience of 2.5 years in the field of teaching. Her Master’s degree, MCA is from Mahatma Gandhi University. Her Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science is from the same university.
She’s one of our alumna ,having post graduation and graduation in computer science.

She’s having an experience of 5 years as a teaching faculty in Computer Science.She is having UGC-NET in Computer Science and Applications.Her Masters degree,MCA,is from Mahatma Gandhi University and Bachelor’s Degree in Physics from the same university.

She is having an experience of 4 years in teaching. Her Masters degree and Bachelor’s degree in English Language and Literature from Mahatma Gandhi University. She did her B.Ed in English from the same University. She has also qualified State Eligibility Test for Lectureship & Kerala Teacher’s Eligibility Test(K-TET) conducted by Govt. of Kerala.

She’s having an experience of 2 years as teaching faculty in Mathematics.she is having her post graduation and graduation in Mathematics from Mahathma Gandhi University.

She have an experience of 6 years in teaching. Her master’s in computer application from Mahatma Gandhi University .Also her bachelor’s degree from the same University.

She’s having an experience of 5 years as teaching faculty in computer science.she is having her post graduation and graduation in computer science from mahathma Gandhi University.
She’s one of our alumna ,having post graduation in computer science.

Dedicated professional educator with more than 7 years of experience in teaching . She has done her post graduation (MTech )from MG university. She completed her btech in electronics and communication from MG university in the year 2009.

She has 2 years of teaching experience in cyber forenisc
and 2.5+ years of industrial experience in Ethical Hacking
& Penetration Testing.
She procured Diploma in Cyber Security & Cyber Forensic,C-DAC.
She earned her M.Tech in Cyber Security from MG University.
She acquired her BE in Computer Science and Engineering
from VMU,Tamil Nadu.
Her Resourcefulness in the domains of
Ethical Hacking, Cyber Forensic, Malware detection, Vulnerability-Scanning, Incident – Response is beneficial.

She has completed her Post graduation in Digital Forensics and Information Security from NFSU, Gujarat. She’s one of our alumna, having graduated in Cyber Forensics.

He has completed his Post Graduation in Cyber Security from IIITM-K,CUSAT.
He’s one of our alumni, having graduation in Cyber Forensics .