The Leader always influences Everyone in such a way that it Encourages Them to Attain Their Goals

Dr. Bindu K is the Principal, STAS Edappally from 2019 onwards. She did her MCA from TKMCE, Kollam, Kerala in 1989. She has also qualified for the State Eligibility Test for Lectureship conducted by Govt. of Kerala and accredited by UGC. She joined as a Lecturer in Computer Applications at STAS, Kottayam, in 1994. She had been awarded Ph.D. in Computer Science in July 2010 from the School of Computer Science, Mahatma Gandhi University. Her area of research in Computer Graphics. She was posted as Reader in Computer Applications from 2007 Nov. Presented and Published three research papers in her area of interest. She has also served as Regional Director in charge of STAS, Kottayam, for Three years. She was a member in the P. G Board of Studies of Computer Science, Mahatma Gandhi University, and subject expert in various Affiliation committees, Expert committee for Syllabus revision, Selection committee and was an adjudicator for Ph.D. Thesis in Computer Applications of Manonmanium Sundaranar University, Tamil Nadu, India.