Computer Application





MCA(4 Semesters)

Masters in Computer Applications is a two year (four semesters) P.G degree program in computer applications affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University. This professional course is designed to meet the growing demand for qualified professionals in IT and other industries. This program covers various aspects of Computational Theory, Programming Languages like C++, Python, Advanced Java, PHP, etc. Operating systems  like Linux, Windows and Android,  TCP/IP Protocols, Design and Optimization of Algorithms, Network and Database Management, Mobile Technologies, Data Mining, Cloud Computing and many more Programmer/developer, Software Tester, Systems Analyst, Software Engineer, Software Administrator are some of the posts where MCA graduates are employed.


As per the norms prescribed by the Controller of Entrance Examinations, Govt. of Kerala.


Allotment will be from the rank list prepared by the CPAS based on the marks of entrance examination and the reservation rules are applicable.


CAP – 15

Management – 15

Fees per Semester





